NitroLife Nitropress Guarantee

Register your appliance to ensure a lifetime of hassle free nitro.

NitroPress is a world first in bringing high quality Nitro coffee into peoples homes. We were the first to create the handheld Nitro dispenser and we value our loyal customers who have been buying from us worldwide for many years.

All NitroPress dispensers come with our unique lifetime guarantee NitroLife. We pledge to supply any spare parts required to ensure your NitroPress remains in top working order forever. If your NitroPress cannot be repaired to new working order, we will replace the full device free of charge.

Guarantee claims are unlimited with the following terms.

For any guarantee claims we simply ask that you place an order forapack of 40 gas chargers and we will cover the cost of any spare parts.For purchases made before November 2021, please email us providing your original order number.For purchases made after November 2021, please register your lifetime guarantee using the form submission below.

For any further questions about the NitroLife guarantee, please email